The Walking Dead - S03E06 Hounded (2012)

Sex :
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Director Daniel Attias
Writers Scott M. Gimple
Starring Andrew Lincoln, Laurie Holden, Steven Yeun, Chandler Riggs, Norman Reedus, Lauren Cohen, Scott Wilson, Danai Gurira, Michael Rooker, David Morrissey
Genre Zombie
Tagline Fight the dead. Fear the living.
The Walking Dead Season 3


"Look at this she sent us a biter-gram y'all" - Merle Dixon

Merle and three companions are out in the woods hunting down Michonne, as expected the Governor isn't going to allow her to simply walk away. Naturally Michonne has a few tricks up her sleeve and quickly reduces Merle's group to the big fella and a young bloke who wants to get out of Dodge. Merle demands they continue to hunt Michonne and things go pear shaped. Merle figures Michonne is in the red zone after all three of them tussle with zombies, shoots are fired, and Michonne once again gives them the slip. The young guy wants to continue hunting Michonne, so Merle shoots him and heads back to Woodbury where he lies to the Governor and of course can't produce either Michonne's head or her katana.

Back in the prison and Rick's group are counting the cost and continuing to clean up stray walkers. Rick has completely lost it and disappeared into the cellblock, where he finds Lori's body has been consumed by a zombie. Dispatching the zombie Rick is suddenly interrupted by the phone ringing of all things. It's a woman on the other end who claims they are in safe place, Rick naturally wants to take the survivors of his group there, but the woman advises she has to ask other members of her group. Clearly the phones aren't working and this is Rick's sub conscious working through his issues. Meanwhile Daryl leads a group into the cellblock to clear it of walkers and relates how his mother died. This is enough for Carl to start talking about his own mother and his part in her death. Daryl makes a surprise discovery, Carol is alive though a little worse for the recent excitement. Meanwhile Merle runs into Maggie and Glenn, and has a result for the Governor.

Hounded pretty much sets the scene for the second half of the season, now we just need the two groups of survivors to run into each other in a meaningful way. Merle is clearly doing his own thing, is uncompromising with anyone who gets in his path, and is set on a path to finding his brother regardless of the consequences to anyone else. The big redneck defines the term "loose cannon" and it's going to be interesting to see what role he fulfils in the coming conflict between Rick's group and Woodbury. I've got some worries about Glenn and Maggie currently, Merle isn't going to go light on them in extracting information about Daryl and Rick's whereabouts.

Is it just me or is Merle taking a bigger role than expected in season 3

The Governor of course is a psychopath, but we all knew that by now. More interesting is Andrea and her clear infatuation with the leader of Woodbury. Clearly the fans aren't going to be very happy over Andrea throwing herself at the Gov, but to be honest I'm over the character already. Andrea in the television series, as opposed to the graphic novels, is either totally naive or is so self centered that she can't see the Woodbury for the trees. Her total acceptance of the Woodbury situation makes you wonder how she has survived two whole seasons already! Pity the writers didn't follow the source material where Andrea is pretty kick arse. Speaking of the books, if the television show follows the books then get ready for some rugged viewing over the next few episodes, it's going to get pretty harsh for Rick and Michonne in particular.

Rick is still grieving, and is starting to take stock of the number of people who have perished under his leadership. Admittedly a number of those can be put down directly or indirectly to Shane amongst others. He receives an impossible phone call and The Walking Dead dials in some shot from the hip psychology that will either work for you or seem fracking ridiculous. I thought it was an okay plot device, and gets across the idea that Rick is breaking down not only because of Lori's demise, but also due to everyone else he has lost in the voyage to find sanctuary. Rick Grimes is an evolving character, clearly this is another step on his road to either redemption in the new world or losing it completely as the situation descends further into savagery.

As noted last week Daryl has assumed the Shane mantel of being Rick's right hand man. Not quite sure where this is heading as the character is an invention of the television show and doesn't feature in the novels at all. Clearly Audience acceptance of Daryl has been strong however and the character is being developed into a more prominent role week by week. Carl is able to finally voice his decision regarding Lori after Daryl mentioned his mother liked to drink and smoke in bed, which lead to her demise in a Darwin Awards situation. With Rick still off the planet Daryl has assumed the mantel of group leader and aims to fix what's broken.

With Glenn and Maggie having been taken by Merle, to a fate unknown in Woodbury, Michonne has found the prison and comes face to face with Rick at the outer fence. It's a dramatic moment, Michonne is integral to the graphic novels, but Rick is protecting his group. Will the former lawman open the gates for Michonne or will this be another major deviation from the books? Really hoping those gates open as Michonne is one of the great characters from Kirkman's imagination, fingers crossed y'all.

Just been informed that there are sixteen episodes this season, so we're not at the midway point, damn, but hey more new Walking Dead, squee! Thus far Woodbury has been realised in convincing detail, and the Governor has been setup as a psychotic Jim Jones type leader that has about everyone fooled except the viewer and possibly Merle. With Glenn and Maggie now being held by the Governor the source of conflict has been established in typical narrative fashion, top marks to the various episode writers. It should get real interesting through the middle block of episodes starting next week. Rick versus the Governor, now there's a match up I'd pay good money to witness.

For mine there are still a couple of interesting character developments that need to be addressed through this season, well three if you count Carl. Andrea is blind to what is going down but would view herself as having a leg in each camp, apply your own leg over joke here. And exactly what Merle is going to do remains clouded, the dude clearly has no loyalty to the Governor, but that whole being handcuffed to the roof isn't going to sit lightly with him either.

Excellent episode that continues the narration in season three that sees not only character development but one hell of a confrontation looming, things are gearing up nicely. After the vagrancies of season two it's nice to have two principle locations, the Writers are expertly cutting between the two as things start to spiral out of control. I was simply glued to the screen during Hounded and can't wait to see what happens next. While the season thus far hasn't been lacking in action, and added zombie goodness, I'm expecting things to get a lot bloodier as Rick confronts the arch nemesis he isn't aware of yet. There's going to be blood in the water, and we all know what that is going to attract, catch you next episode.

ScaryMinds Rates this episode as ...

Simply setting up for the next block of shows, though worried about Maggie and Glenn.