S03E04 True Blood - 9 Crimes (2010)

Sex :
Violence :

Director David Petrarca
Writers Kate Barnow, Elisabeth Finch
Starring Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Sam Trammell, Ryan Kwanten, Rutina Wesley, Marshall Allman, Alexander Skarsgård, Deborah Ann Woll, Joe Manganielb, Denis O'Hare
Genre Vampire
Tagline Get Your Fill


"Sometimes I think that Boy's cheese done fallen off his cracker" - Melinda Mickens

In another tightly woven episode things get even more complex, though all roads seem to leading to Russell Edgington's Mississippi mansion. Bill is still entwined in Edgington's machinations, and via a torrid bit of hide the sav with Lorena decides to phone Sookie and finish their relationship. Sookie isn't a believer, and is even more dedicated to tracking down her Bo's location, even going so far as to go to a raucous party at Lou Pines, digging that pun, with Alcide. Debbie Pelt, Alcide's former fiancée, is joining the pack that is ruled by Edgington, and in the process of initiation receives the brand that drives Eric into violence. Speaking of Eric, the Magister has raided Fangtasia and found the V. Eric is given a two day deadline to find Bill, who he blamed for the V, with Pam facing "the true death", if Eric fails.

In other Bon Temps developments, Franklin has pretty much taken Tara as his sex slave in some demented relationship, and the couple head out on a road trip. Andy is the new chief cop with Bud retiring; Jason sees this as a unique opportunity to fast track himself into the police service. Sam has to make a deal with his trailer trash family. And Arlene is not best pleased with Jessica arriving as the new waitress at Merlottes. If this show gets any more complex I'm heading for the hills!

Is it just me or are they making Bill Compton even more of a predator subject to his baser instincts through the first third of this season? Regardless Stephen Moyer is nailing his new role development as a full on vamp with a lust for blood and sex foremost in his mind, yet displays the ultimate abhorrence he feels for the vampire rites. Clearly Bill has his own game plan going down, but we are yet to get a hint of what that might be. Rivers run deep my friends, and Bill Compton is one of the more intense and interesting vampires to have been created recently.

Director David Petrarca, while delivering on the strong professional look we have come to expect from a True Blood episode, simply nails one of the best scenes the franchise has delivered to date. Bill Compton scores an exotic dancer for Russell Edgington and Lorena, and we get a vampire feast going down in a limousine. The sheer intensity of the scene, and the lack of any possible escape for the victim is hugely effective, Petrarca really wrenches up the pathos and left me gasping for breath. If ever you thought the Vampire League is protecting a clear and present danger, then look no further than this scene. Bill is dragged into the feast, at first against his wishes, but then when the blood lust hits, with full gusto. One of the best ever vampire attack scenes that will have you high fiving your entire neighbourhood, even the weird guy who lives in the rundown house on the corner.

The sex it up high nature of the show is maintained, along with the odd bit of gore to keep things rocking along

The other thing to cover, prior to getting the skinny happening on minor plot developments that will come home to roost later in the season, is the T&A elements. You want lingerie? - you got lingerie throughout the episode, with even Sookie showing off her knicker and bra set. Girls do get the ever present danger of Joe Lee's sagging jockey juniors, dig on in their ladies. And as expected topless is the name of the game. True Blood has never been backward in pointing out the hot stuff is layered on in the franchise, 9 Crimes keeps the heat on high.

There's a number of intriguing plot elements that are quietly percolating while we follow the main show in Mississippi. Jason is still pursuing his dream of a career in the local police force, and isn't above a bit of blackmail in getting there. Andy is pretty much on a hiding to nothing with this, besides which surprisingly Jason would probably be an asset to the law and order crew. Kenya might have other ideas on that. Before dropping the Jason plot, I should also point out that he runs into the cocky youngster out to break his football record, the pair immediately start circling each other in alpha male aggression. Not sure if this point will come to bare later in the season, but True Blood doesn't tend to throw on plot elements simply for the hell of it. Franklin and Tara have taken the show on the road, with the big revelation being that Franklin is in the employment of Russell Edgington, clearly Bill isn't the focus of Russell's current interest in Bon Temps.

Clearly Sam Merlotte is heading for some troubled water with his family of white trash trend setters. While Sam seems to be motivated by helping his troubled brother, Joe Lee and Melinda could be deal breakers. Fingers crossed this plot development doesn't fizzle out, I'm looking forward to a real confrontation between Sam and Joe Lee over Tommy's future.

Russell Edgington might have the upper hand at the moment, but he is going to have to vamp up against the twin forces of Eric and Sookie before much more time passes. Eric is on a mission to save Pam from the "true death", while Sookie is tracking down Bill. Edgington and the awesomely camp Talbot could be caught in the grinder with this one. Hopefully the demented Franklin doesn't go down, really enjoying this character.

I'm definitely getting my Bon Temps on and am rocking to the new season. Third of the way through the season and it's getting all complex in depth and texture, as we all should have expected. 9 Crimes has its own special moments, but doesn't disappoint in driving the various plot elements on toward some promising showdowns toward the end of the season. Interestingly, and this could just have been me, was Lafayette trying to sell V to the same rednecks that Jason ran into while out with Andy earlier in the season? Possibly another plot spin waiting to happen. This show just keeps getting better, and more importantly remains fresh via new characters and plot developments. I'm giving a full recommendation, if you haven't caught the True Blood fever yet, then this might be the episode to catch the bug with.

ScaryMinds Rates this episode as ...

Russel Edgington is building as an intriguing protagonost