S01E04 - Phantom Traveler (2005)

Sex :
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Director Bob Singer
Writers Richard Hatem
Starring Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Brian Markinson, Jaime Ray Newman
Genre Demon
Tagline The creepy. THE DEMENTED. The UNEXPLAINED. The unearthly.


“Time really does fly” – Demonic Entity.

A passenger possessed by a demonic entity takes TransNational Flight 2485 and opens an emergency door forty minutes into the flight, with the expected result. Seven people survive, and the Demon is out to finish off what it started. Enter Sam and Dean, who have to take the battle to the skies in order to resolve this one. Ready to fly the unfriendly skies?

Okay I handed out my first 10/10 on Supernatural for this episode. We get an engrossing storyline, some cool use of CGI effects, and movement on the underlying plot framework. I was happy with the episode, and have dialed in a few times as it has a re-watch factor working for it. The series may be just finding its feet with Phantom Traveler.

For anyone after series mythos, this episode adds that demons are inherently destructive, and can only invade people with emotional issues. We also learn that Dean is afraid of flying, hence the heavy use of that cool car.

This is one expensive looking episode. A lot of work went into making the CGI effects believable, and stitching up all aspects of Phantom Traveler with an eye to detail. The result is a perfect looking outing that had me glued to the screen throughout. You may find the Director is doing things by the numbers, but given the medium the show is aimed at, I’m cool with things.

Once again the show’s Creators demonstrate an ability to mix in a number of urban myths and religious beliefs, while still presenting a fairly unique take on the subject matter. Yes, I got the debt the episode owes to Final Destination, and the plot development that death – or a demon, in this case – likes to finish the job. There’s also a slight bit of White Noise going down via the EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) on the flight recorder with the disturbing message “No survivors”. This episode mixes in “phantom travelers”, ghosts who are said to haunt public transport with stories going as far back as the early 17th century, with demonic possession and the requisite exorcism. Surprisingly, Supernatural doesn’t require a Catholic priest to perform an exorcism, and simply presents the idea that if you believe then you too go can be Father Karris in your spare time.

With this episode the show demonstrates it's found it's voice and is ready to get screaming with ideas.

An ongoing theme in the show, and one I haven’t touched on before, is the Winchester boys’ ability to adopt any persona and forge any documentation necessary to get them into a crime scene. This time round they are impersonating Homeland Security agents, via a local off-set printing shop. Hope it isn’t that easy in reality!

Music-wise, we hit the mother lode in this episode. Finally, Black Sabbath debut with the classic “Paranoid”; also featured was “Working Man” courtesy of Rush. I’m in hog heaven right here, right now.

I mentioned the underlying plot framework was enhanced during this episode right? Winchester patrician John has his mobile back online and is fielding messages. Clearly we are going to build on this during the season, but nice touch at the end of the episode to remind us there’s a larger story unfolding as we watch each new installment. Also, the Demon knew about Sam’s ex, the barbecued Jess. Either the demon is reading Sam’s mind – Dean’s interpretation – or once again we have an episode arc being worked on. Time will tell.

I also dug the Gate 13 at the airport, and the biblical references to the number 40. As stated above, the makers of Supernatural are spot on with their details, and fleshing out of even minor trivia.

Damned fine episode, and I’m still applauding over here. There’s enough tension and scare factor going down to float anyone’s boat, though I might be slightly biased for the obvious reasons (for those wondering, I lost my brother-in-law due to a plane accident). We get a well-constructed episode, with some fleshing of the plot arcs and overall storyline. You really can’t ask for more from a 40 minute (there’s that reference again) TV show.

I’ve been asked to keep the episode reviews short and sweet, as in “Dude, the show is under an hour, so let’s keep the guide that way as well”, hence why this one gets top marks but a small entry in the database. Guess that just like the show, we are finding our feet with how the guide should be constructed.

Full recommendation on Phantom Traveler, best episode thus far of the opening season. Who isn’t going to get hooked by Sam going the Latin path during a flight! Nice blend of urban myth and religious belief. If you haven’t yet signed onto the Supernatural boot camp then this is the episode to get you started.

ScaryMinds Rates this episode as ...

The Winchester Bros knock one out of the ball park.