S01E11 - To Love Is to Bury (2008)

Director Nancy Oliver
Writers Nancy Oliver, Charlaine Harris (novels)
Starring Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Sam Trammell, Ryan Kwanten, Rutina Wesley, Chris Bauer, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Adina Porter, Michael Raymond-James, Alexander Skarsgård, Lizzy Caplan, Deborah Ann Woll
Genre Vampire
Tagline Thou Shall Not Crave Thy Neighbor

Talk us through it

The penultimate episode begins with Bill burying Jessica in a vampire creation thing, and then spooning with her in the grave while Pam shovels dirt over them. Don't ask about the spooning situation, no idea what that's all about to be honest.

Over at Sookie's place Sam is desperately trying to call Tara, concerned that she may be drunk in a ditch somewhere, which is exactly where she is after crashing her car post viewing of a naked chick and a pig in the middle of the road. Thankfully Office Kenya arrives in time to arrest Tara for drunk driving. Tara's mum wont bail her out offering some home spun philosophy, which is actually quite rich consider her own less than enlightening drinking binges. Mary Ann Forrester, the naked chick from the road, gets Tara out and installs her in a mansion.

Meanwhile Jason and Amy are arguing over things while they clean up the goo that is all that's left of Vampire Eddie. Jason decides enough is enough and clears out their stock of "V" from the fridge declaring it's time they changed their life style. Naturally they will have just one more taste of the elixir, does Jason never learn, and our resident Psycho strikes again.

Sookie and Sam embark on a road trip to try and identify our resident Norman Bates with all roads leading to Big Patty's Pie House, with the audience finally identifying the killer.


"I'm an excellent driver. But you cannot prepare for a naked lady and a hog in the middle of the road!" - Tara

I've got to forget about writing plot summaries for True Blood, you could quite happily fill out your review length quota with the various shenanigans going down each episode, and that's including avoiding giving away spoilers. To Love Is to Bury continues the standard of having so much happening in the episode that newbies are going to be lost in the backwoods with a witch coming at them pretty quickly. Once again it's a tribute to the writers that they are managing to keep all the balls in the air and the audience primed for following ten or so major characters. I don't think I've ever seen a show so rich in texture before.

This time round we get some real interesting developments on the vampire mythos that has been gradually building during the season. Bill has been forced to make a new vampire, an undead life for a life punishment, and we get the full skinny on what's involved there. Naturally Bill is somewhat less than excited by the prospect but Pam's on hand to ensure there are no unfortunate staking mishaps. Welcome to parenting joys there Bill, and hey a teenage daughter should be no problems right? Since this is Bill's first time in the making seat he seeks advice from Eric, who agrees to baby sit new vamp Jessica while Bill attends to other matters. What is this going to ultimately cost Bill when Eric seeks repayment? Hopefully Jessica will be developed as a character; it would be cool to follow the development of a recently turned vampire.

"Can't handle one little girl, Bill? New ones can be like this. Man up my friend. She's not even one night old." - Eric Northman

Jason simply can't win a trick and is destined to be the fall guy throughout the season. Having decided to kick the v habit, and taking drastic action to enforce the change of lifestyle, Jason naturally takes one more hit as Amy convinces him they need to round things out. As stated in previous reviews Amy is pretty bloody manipulative and as Tara pointed out previously Jason simply can't help himself. Guess we all knew that Amy wasn't long for the world, she works at Merlottes is involved with vampers and sleeps with Jason, and our local Dexter strikes while she and Jason are recovering from their final v binge. For no apparent reason Jason decides he is the culprit and gives himself up to the local police in order to stop the killings, as dumb as a box of hammers comes to mind. With Jason safely behind bars at least the women folk of Bon Temps are assured a good night's sleep.

Clearly the producers of this beyond excellent show are eyeing season two as new characters Mary Anne and Jessica have only been introduced towards the end of the current year.

Tara finds out a few home truths while spending some quality time in the Bon Temps drunk tank, that pretty much is your run of the mill jail cell to be honest. Her mom, in a moment of unbridled hypocrisy, refuses to bail her out for various "it's in your own interest" reasons and pretty much slices and dices the old mother daughter relationship in one self righteous session. Lucky for Tara that Mary Ann Forrester, last seen naked in the middle of the road with a large pig, steps up to the plate and gets Tara out of the slam and into a large mansion. I can't help but think this is going to eventually bite Tara on the arse, but since we are only one show away from the end of season arse bitting is going to be on hold till next season.

Speaking of things that are going to have to wait till season two to be resolved, and general hypocrisy for that matter, Lafayette takes exception to his Senator client who publically denounces vamps and gays. Actually that's probably the writers also underlying one of the themes of the show, but hey let's not get the PC crew all hot and bothered. Anywise our local dancing queen confronts the Senator publically, and if you don't think that's going to have repercussions then you really haven't been following the show.

"Sam, my living room's wrecked! I've got a killer, a vampire and a shapeshifter on my plate. Right about now I'm not thinking about being with anybody!" - Sookie

Of course most of the talk around To Love Is to Bury is going to be about the final unveiling of who the serial killer, I get so nervous I can't relax, is. Without giving too much away it's a character that has had plenty of screen time, is a plausible development, and without blowing our own trumpets overly someone the team had nominated. Naturally writer Nancy Oliver has to go all Hitchcock over things with the audience being aware of whom the Bon Temps strangler is while the characters are still hopelessly in the dark. I don't think they can sustain this plot arc into season two so it's going to be tears all round in the final episode of the current seasonn as Johnny comes home with a vengeance. Man am I ever looking forward to the season ending disclosure.

Deborah Ann Woll (Jessica) rocks I tells ya. She handled the dual nature of her character to perfection, from innocence caught in a nightmare to bad girl wanting to party without breaking a sweat. She made me a believer with her angst over discovering she was a vampire and then was solid as her new life style broadened her horizons from the naive home life she had lead. Woll rocked the house down and I'm crossing my fingers that we get a solid amount of screen time for her character in season two.

Summary Execution

With one more episode to go before we finish season one the net is closing on our serial killer plot arc that has been the focus of the year. No doubt there are a few surprises waiting us in the final episode but Drew Marshall not being the serial killer isn't going to be one of them. I rocked on with the penultimate episode and had one hell of a bare back ride through the center of Bon Temps. They can feed me this show in spades to be honest.

And the good news just keeps rolling in, sitting on my desk waiting to be devoured is the second season of True Blood, where's me free tee then? While it's been a rush to get through the episode guide to season one I might take it slow and steady through the second season and try and stretch things a tad.

Worked out who our local psycho is yet? If so then you are digging the show, if not then pull the lead out and get cracking on the season. Kudos to the reader who wrote in with Sam Merlotte as her pick for the killer, ain't giving anything away there.

ScaryMinds Rates this episode as ...

Thrills, chills, and laughs, the perfect episode.